Comprehensive Wealth Planning
The mosaic of wealth is multi-faceted and distinctive to each client.
Common planning questions that we address:
- How long will my savings last? Am I going to be okay?
- How much can I spend, so I won’t run out of money too soon?
- When should I take my CPP and OAS benefits?
- Which financial assets should I use first to create an income stream?
- Is my current savings rate going to be enough to accomplish my goals?
- How much can I pass on to my kids and/or charity?
Our game plan to engage your questions:
- We listen, learn, and gather a complete picture of your circumstances.
- We strive to ask deliberate and specific questions to identify the full landscape under discussion.
- We develop and analyze each Wealth Plan to identify opportunities and issues.
- We engage the completed Wealth Plan and advise on strategic actions.
- We continually review, update, and refine as life unfolds.

Our Approach: Total Wealth Management.
Tax Management
- TFSA’s
- RRSP’s / RRIF’s
- Income Splitting
- Tax Loss Selling
- Tax analysis
- Capital Gains Exemption Planning
- Trust Planning
- Salary / Dividend Inocme Planning
Estate Planning
- Will Planning
- Powers of Attorney
- Inheritance
- Charitable and Legacy Planning
- Tax Efficient Transfer of Wealth
- Estate Preservation
- Probate Planning
Risk Management
- Insurance Needs Analysis
- Income Protection
- Asset Protection
- Estate Enhancement
- Life Insurance*
- Critical Illness / Disabilty*
- Buy/Sell, Key Person*
- Long Term Care*
Investment Strategy
- Risk Profile – Investment Policy Statement
- Portfolio Construction & Rebalancing
- Currency Hedging
- Multi-Manager Portfolio Solutions
- Responsible Investing – Environmental, Social and Governance
Family, Vision, & Goals
- What do you want to focus on right now?
- What are your visionary goals for the future?
- What are your biggest financial concerns?
- Communication of wealth priorities between generations
- Family meeting facilitation
*Insurance products and services are provided through Assante Estate and Insurance Services Inc.